Monday, March 31, 2008

Okay, here it is again

This is the best I can do at the moment. I went ahead and submitted it to Collage MAnia.

See ya!


Collage Mania

Well, I'm leaving town early in the morning for Focus on Fiber in Florida. A whole week in an artist's studio to work. No planned projects, no other responsibilities. Just time to work. I can't even fathom what it will be like. I'm trying hard to not let the guilt of the time away from home and kids and the money to go get to me. I keep telling myself it will all be fine once I'm there.

So, I've been trying hard to complete something for Virginia Spiegel's most recent fundraising event (she is the American Cancer Society fundraising queen!), Collage Mania II. Today is the deadline. I'm packing and working on another piece. I've done three for this event so far and have been happy with none. The one I"m trying to complete today seems to be headed in the same direction but I'm hoping if I actually finish it that this one will turn out in the end. I always try to push through when I'm unhappy with something. It's hard to find the balance with doing that versus letting something go no matter how much work you have put into it.

Well, here it is, incomplete, but hopefully done sometime today.

The list of techniques and materials is very long (hence, maybe the problem is that I've done too much). Here they are in the order in which they were done: inko-dye on cotton fabric, colored pencil, inkjet transparency transfer of original artwork drawn on paper then scanned, acrylic paint, pigma brush pen, spider writers, inkjet transparency, embroidery floss stitching.

Here is one of the other attempts (same theme) but all done with paper. Again, it was overdone and the main problem I had with this one is that you cannot see the angel's face very well. It is a color printout of artwork on transparency film. Here is the original piece the face came from.

Take care and have a great week!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Awesome Etsy Shop

Hi guys,

Okay, so today I'm posting someone else's work (and, yes, I asked permission first). I have been creating but haven't taken any pictures lately, so I thought I'd show you some inspiring work from a couple of sisters in the UK and what they are doing with felt. Take a look. Aren't these just fabulous?! I'm blown away by the creations I find on etsy some days. I'm in love with their bags! To visit their etsy shop, go to Of course, while in etsy, take the time to visit my shop too (shameless self promotion there)! You can find the wildest things on etsy. Do some searches on some really wild things and see what you get! Just be careful, you can spend hours in the shops you find.

Let's see what have I been up to. I've been busy preparing for my Wet Felted Vessels classes this Friday. Hopefully all of my participants will have fabulous bowls to take home and have a great time learning the techniques! I'll let you know how it goes.

Next week I will be away at Focus on Fiber, an fiber artist's retreat. I can't actually believe I'm going and this is happening. Until I actually get in the car and start the drive, I don't think it will seem real. I still feel incredibly guilty about the amount of money I'm spending to make this happen (childcare for my 3 year old for a week and the expense of the retreat itself) and leaving my kids, but I know I'll get over it and it will be fabulous!!!! I have no idea what I'm going to work on yet. Leaving it open for now. I've starting gathering surface design materials and already have two tubs of stuff and that doesn't include any fabric yet! Or sewing machine! Or wool roving or yarn! Or beads! Oh my gosh, I don't know how I will choose what to take and what to leave at home. In the end, I guess it doesn't matter much. I'll create with whatever I have. :)

As far as what I've been working on, I have found a new addiction, colored pencils. Not the watercolor ones I've used in the past, but regular ones, but artist grade of course. They make such beautiful colors on fabric. I get so mesmorized by the colors that I often forget to think of an overall design and just sit and color and shadow and layer and on and on. I'll post pics of something when i'm ready to share them.

Have a great rest of the week!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Inko-Dye Workshop

This past weekend I took a two day course through our local SDA (Surface Design Association) group by Ray Pierotti ( He is an amazing artist and an excellent teacher. The class was held in the fabulous home of another amazing artist, Leisa Rich ( She works at the High and also teaches classes at Chastain Art Center and Callanwolde. It is such a treat to be in Leisa's space. Not only is it filled with her fabulous artwork, it is also organized, clean and clutter free! Complete with a studio space downstairs with two tables to hold about 6 students. It was so nice to have space to work in. It is a constant struggle in my own home to find a space that I can use for my art supplies much less a clear piece of table top. Anyway, it was fabulous fun and I met some other great artists. My friend and artist Hellene Vermillion was also there. Check out her fabulous work on her blog: Sorry I'm in a rush, so I can't make those clickable links right now. But you should still take the time to visit all of them!!! Here's a photo of the group working on their pieces.

Inko-Dye is definitely a medium I will be adding to my materials. It's fantastic!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Queen for the day

A recent drawing. I'm drawing lots of black and white again. My faces have changed (for now) to being more realistic. I'm working on paper collages for Virginia Spiegel's auction. I'm having fun but struggling with completing them or liking what I have completed it. Must be a growing point somehow that I need to push through. I'll get there.

I'm still missing deadlines on entering most exhibition shows and on getting applications in for art shows. I guess it just means it's not my priority right now. I do seem to be focusing more on my personal life in other ways. I'm enjoying having more time for my kids. I'm just a bit worried about stopping the momentum on a great start in my art journey. Don't get me wrong. Creativity and art are my spiritual base. I just cant' seem to get the business end going right now. On the other hand,I do feel like the 4 month mark (yesterday) after my Dad's death is a new beginning for me. That life feels like life again.

Today I taught my son's 1st grade class an art lesson and it was so much fun. The stories they have to tell in their art fascinate me (as the story is often the hardest part for me) and their creativity was inspiring. I hope I inspired them as well. I am very passionate about sharing my story with them. Letting them no that art is about breaking rules and that you aren't necessarily born with some inate talent but that it takes practice like anything else. And, that mistakes are part of the process and not to give up. Let go and just have fun. I hope I got that across to at least one of them.