Friday, January 12, 2007

Small Drawings

Hi everyone!

I have had a lot of feedback on my website and I really appreciate it. I'm keeping a list of all the suggestions and will make them as time allows.

I bought some Fabriano Artistico hot pressed watercolor paper (previously I had only used cold pressed-rougher, and a cheaper brand) and I am in LOVE!!!! Here are a few small drawings. I'll add them to my website soon.

I also took a brave step (for me) and journaled on one of my drawings in a very open, spontaneous way. It was scary and liberating at the same time. I think it will be very helpful to me. Not sure yet whether I will put my journaling on drawings to share/sell but I will continue to do it for my own mental health.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Celebrate MLK day!!


1 comment:

My Brain on Quilts said...

I love the journaling on the sketches. Keep trying and see how it develops.

Glad to know you love the hot press watercolor paper. Another supply to fall in love with!