Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rejection is no fun

They say you can't get in if you don't enter (juried exhibitions, that is), but it still sucks when you DO enter and then get rejected. Or not selected I should say. Oh well, better luck next time right? It's just hard to keep pushing yourself to get things in for these deadlines when you keep getting rejection letters. I wish the curators had time to explain what the issues with your work are. Whether it simply didn't fit the particular exhibit or whether there is something you really need to be addressing or working on. I don't mean your voice or style but things like technique, composition, color, etc. Not that I would always take the advice but it would just be nice to know every now and again ya know? My guess is that I'm rushing my work and that it is someone how showing in the final package, like my photos for my instance. At least that's what I like to think.

Of course, I want to offer congratulation to those whose work was selected for this year's National Small Art Quilt Exhibit! I can't wait to see the work! I guess I just had particularly high hopes for this one since I won the Juror's Choice Award last year. Just goes to show you that you never know.

Now I'll just wait to hear from Threadlines. Wish me luck! Just keep saying it..
"If I don't enter I'll NEVER get in. If I don't enter I'll NEVER get in...."

Now for some sunshine and swinging.



Carol Sloan said...

Just know that your art work is loved and appreciated by so many other artist and craftsman. And yes, it would be nice to know the specifics, wouldn't it? You just keep trying.

Carol Sloan said...

I was trying to xcomment on the entry with the book on it but couldn't find a place for that...I LOVE your book! I'm going to have to try that with some of our pics here. Very nice that you can preview it too! I'm in your class Friday!