Thursday, April 26, 2007

Celebrate Yonis!

Hi everyone,

I'm working on completing as many pieces for an art show on Saturday and another on in May. I thought I'd take a break to post some photos of my entries to the Yoni Quilt Art Challenge. It was quite empowering to work on these pieces. They have been quite the conversation pieces, especially with my family. "Now, why did you make these?" They think I'm a bit strange, well, they thought I was strange already.

Have a great week,


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Some paintings


It's a beautiful spring day. I've got my ArtQuilts Markings pieces ready to ship today. So I can mark that of my list. Yea! I am completing as many of the projects that I have started over the last few months getting ready for some Art Festivals. Here are a few paintings I'm working on. Not great photos, glare and such. But wanted to share.

Have a great day!


Monday, April 02, 2007

Felting Rocks!

Hi everyone,

So, I took a wet felting class with Sharon Ahmed at Fiber on a Whim last week and I am totally hooked. I have been needle felting by hand and with my embellisher but really love the texture and look I can get with wet felting. And,I love the combination of needle and wet felting.

Last week I made felted eggs with my son's kindergarten class and it was so much fun and they turned out really well! The kids had a blast. I'll post a picture soon. I am still making them at home and also some felted balls and beads. Haven't completed perfected the technique quite yet. I will be doing it as an Easter craft at my church on Sunday so if anyone reading this has experience with felting balls or eggs and has any advice I would gladly take it!

I've been working on some wallhangings and scanned one. It's not done but wanted to post something. I had a hard time getting the color right. It's too saturated here. It's all done with wet felting, needle felting (by machine) and machine stitching. I'm really struggling with some carpal tunnel inflammatory issues with my right hand so I have had to cut way down on my drawing and my hand stitching. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to normal after a bit of a rest.

I've also been painting a lot with some success. I don't have the camera this weekend so pictures will come later.

Hope you are all enjoying spring and creating wonderful things.
